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06/09/2009 Executive News

Executive News


Update on New Initiatives and Programs:

Website – Again I would encourage you to visit our website. If there are items that should be on the website, please contact Frances with your suggestions. Encourage cities to use the website.

Newsletter – The latest edition of the MTAS Municipal E-Newsletter has gone out. It was the largest yet (not a value factor) and the response continues to be good. Vice President Jinks commented, “Mike, I am impressed with the breadth and depth of the news”. She asked about usage and I have attached the usage history that I sent to her. As I have stated before, keep it in mind during the course of your work and recommend items to Frances as you encounter them. The success of the newsletter depends on each of you . In addition, as you interact with your customers, ask them if they are getting the newsletter and if so are they reading it. If they are not getting it, let us know and we will add them to the list. If they are not reading it, encourage them to do so..

Job Postings – We have posted the Administrative Support position and should be in position to fill it within the next 2 weeks. We have received HR approval to advertise for a management consultant and training consultant, both have been posted by UT. Please check our website. I would appreciate you encouraging people, that you would recommend, to apply .

Satisfaction Survey – Attached is our most recent Customer Satisfaction Survey report. We still have a little tweaking to do on the first pie chart, but other than that it is close to being ready to release. I want thank each and every one of you for the tremendous job you do in serving our customers, Tennessee cities. This survey reflects the quality of your work and the way it is delivered. We had a response rate of 45% and except for 2 or 3 responses everything was positive or better. The number of comments is high and the tone is very positive. Again thank you for a job well done.

Payroll goes green – You are aware that effective August 1, 2009, pay stubs will be on line and you will need to print it if you want a hard copy. They will no longer be distributed by mail. Justin and Lisa have put together a full explanation of the issue, especially as it pertains to your NETID and password to access your information. See attached.


Examples of teamwork. If I missed an example you think should be noted, please let me know.

1. Compliments to the Training Consultants, training staff and Finance Consultants in working through the transition of the duties and responsibilities of Ken Cox to other members of the group.

Mark Your Calendars:

1. Save September 9, Knoxville and September 10 Nashville for the IPS Annual Event

Staff Birthdays for May :
May 4 – Becky Smeltzer
May 13 – Izetta Slade
May 17 – Steve Wyatt
May 18 – Al Major

Staff Birthdays for June:

June 8 – Melissa Ashburn
June 10 - Ray Crouch
June 11 – Rex Barton
June 12 – Doug Brown
June 13 – Gary Petree
June 17 – Sally Thierbach
June 21 – Gary Jaeckel
June 26 – Dennis Huffer
June 26 – Gary West


- To the Codes team on a boost in production. They are making great progress in reducing the waiting list.

- Ray Crouch and his work with the Fire Chiefs association in preparing their Strategic Plan.

Please email me Kudos suggestions during and I will make an effort to include them in the update.

As always, thanks for all you do for MTAS and Tennessee cities.


MTAS Customer Summary Report 09Jun2 rev2.doc
MTAS Customer Summary Report 09Jun2 rev2.doc
MTAS NetIDs.pdf
MTAS NetIDs.pdf

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