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06/05/2006 Executive News

Executive News

MTAS Retreat - THANKS (that's a big thanks) to Armintha, Carolyn, Catherine, Jennifer, Jessica, Linda, Sandy, Tess, and Yana for an excellent retreat last week at Fall Creek Falls. It was great to get everyone together, to have fun, and to get some training done all at the same time.

Please add 4 hours to your professional development with Patty Ritchie as an outside instructor and Courtney Phifer and Colin Schlosser as UT instructors.

MTAS Intern - Ms. Reem Abdelrazek (call her Reem) started today as an intern with MTAS. She will be working primarily with me, but is available to help a couple of consultants with projects this summer. Reem is half way finished with her MPA at UTK and is with us until the middle of August. She most recently worked as an intern with the Tennessee Legislature this session.

PDQ reviews - As I mentioned at the retreat, I'll be getting with everyone this week (starting Tuesday) to review the results of the HR analysis of our PDQs. I don't have much information beyond your current and new title and grade, but what I have I'll share.

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