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06/05/2002 Executive News

Executive News

You've read the newspapers and seen the emails from Eli Fly and Mary Taylor. The DOGS 2 budget being considered by the House Finance Ways and Means committee would be an enormous step back for the state. We need to worry and we need to work the bill, but we don't need to panic. Here's why:

1. The previous DOGS budget also proposed cutting all our state funding of $1.4 million. This bill never was voted on and never came out of committee.

2. Some house members, including some of the people supporting DOGS 2 at this time, have said they don't think it will pass and they could not vote for it if it ever came out of committee.

3. We successfully used our phone tree of city officials last week. The city officials we contacted were part of a group that convinced the House to modify HB 3116 to prevent it from hurting cities by making state shared revenues to cities part of the annual appropriations process. City officials can be a very powerful voice with the legislature and we need to remember that.

What I said in my email April 5 still stands:
"1. It's very unlikely city officials would let a budget pass that would zero out our state appropriation. When we met with our advisory committees two weeks ago, they felt the most important thing to do was to retain the state appropriation.

2. If we do receive any cuts, we will find ways to deal with them. We have already reviewed several revenue raising options with our advisory committee and have their support."

Here's what you need to do:
  • As they used to say at NASA, we need to work the problem; not let the problem work us.
  • Plan to be in the office June 18 and 19. We may use our phone tree before then, but we will surely use it then and need everyone to be available.

    So, please join me in being concerned, but there is no need to worry. Our support from city officials is based on our ability to provide excellent service to them. Your service to cities and their support of MTAS has kept us in business for 53 years so far and it will keep us going for at least another 53 years.


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