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06/05/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Thanks from TML  - Here's a copy of a portion of the most recent TML Legislative Update. This is in response to the efforts made by cities to amend HB 3116.
Many thanks are due.  Your calls made the difference in this week's brush
with disaster.  Legislators should be thanked for their support of local
governments.  In particular, Representatives Harry Tindell, Kathryn Bowers,
Carol Chumney, Butch Lewis, Doug Overbey, and Joe Kent were extremely
helpful in stopping the harmful amendment.  Additionally, the Municipal
Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) assisted TML with alerting city officials
about the implications of the proposed amendment.  
Whether assisting and
advising city officials during a crisis or in routine operational matters,
MTAS once again showed that it is a valuable asset to city governments.

I don't need to say anything else, but thanks to all those who made phone calls and to everyone else who made it possible.

Web site improvements - Frances has added several resources to the MTAS website:
  • EPA Water Security Task Force document: Guidance for Water Utility Response, Recovery and Remediation Activities for Man-Made or Technological Emergencies.
  • Information on the EPA Course on Storm Water Phase II
  • Placed a link on the front page to Ray’s operational guidelines for the Columbia Fire Department
  • Information on the Elected Officials Academy Pre-Conference TML programs as well as a link to TML Annual Conference on the TML website
  • Position vacancy for the City of Millington (Director of Economic Development)
  • Added a new City University Drug Fund workshop brochure to the website
  • Updated Recent Projects with 4 projects that Jim found in KnowledgeBase

    KnowledgeBase - Becky (with the assistance of Matthew Hunt, genlib student) fixed all of the bad PDF files in KnowledgeBase (53) and ensured that the date the documents were created matched the date entered in the "Product Create Date" field of KnowledgeBase (8). Materials from the following consultants were added to KnowledgeBase this past month: Angerer-1, Ashburn-3, Barton-2, Cox-5, Crouch-1, D. Darden-2, R. Darden- 3, Hardy -2, Hemsley-4, Huffer-4, Leuty-1, Stokes-2, Tallent-6.

    TML Door Prizes - The vendors have always had some door prizes at the TML conference. This year, for the first time, cities are bringing door prizes themselves. Warren and I are working with a committee of ten city officials. Just to make sure no one forgot about it, I asked Daisy and Jean to call all the cities who have registered to remind them about the door prizes. Daisy and Jean said they enjoyed making the phone calls. All they had to do was mention they were with MTAS and they were connected right to the city recorder or the Mayor. Several cities were glad to be reminded. I think they hung up and then went shopping. I think the only reason we get such good response is because of the work everyone does day in and day out with city officials.

    Thank you - Sheryl and I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers on the passing of her father. It's been tough, but it's been made a little easier knowing we are surrounded by so many caring people. Thanks.

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