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06/03/2013 Executive News

Executive News

This is not a typical MTAS-Monday morning. Oh, yes. We’re all at our offices planning our day’s and week’s work. Some may already be out in the field visiting customers. Some may be putting finishing touches on those reports that are due soon. Some may be on annual leave enjoying time away from the daily grind. But, this Monday morning is different…very, very different!

MTAS had a hole punched in its heart late Friday afternoon. Yes, we had a few hours’ notice that things weren’t good. But, the stark reality of the message we all received was so disheartening…so disturbing…so sad!

I’m guessing most of us had a hundred or more “Tess Moments” over the weekend…those things…those moments…those interactions we all had with Tess that came to mind as we went about our usual activities. Most of you were around her much longer than I, but in the short time I had of working with (and, yes, sometimes “for”) her, she touched my heart in ways for which I’ll be forever grateful…and she kept me from making some pretty stupid mistakes. I think we all can say that.

That office of hers in Knoxville has been physically empty for a few weeks now, but none of us will ever walk by it again without thinking of her and hearing “Hey, Bud!” The only thing bigger than her smile was her heart…a heart she shared with each of us…a heart that she still shares with us as we try to fill the hole in ours.

Tess Davis, we’ll miss you, but we’ll always love you. Rest in peace.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
The University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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