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06/01/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Performance Review Schedule - You saw this May 10, but here it is again.

6/1 Your project reporting should be current by this date. You will need to maintain it weekly in the future.
6/7 I'll send an Email with an explanation and guidelines for the APR forms. We are making a few revisions.
6/30 Everyone needs to have their APR form completed.
7/19 - 7/23 Sharon and Mike will conduct the Jackson and Nashville APRs.
7/26 - 7/30 Sharon and Mike will conduct the Knoxville APRs.
7/30 All other APRs will be completed by the end of July.
8/10 We'll need a complete and signed copy of all APR's in Knoxville so we can submit them to IPS and UT Human Resources.

UT Travel regulations - Because of a new state law, we now can only be reimbursed for "coach" air fare. Since we only have one or two people flying every other month or so, I pass this on more for information than because it will actually affect you any time soon. However. . .

Hotel reservations - This may affect more people. The UT policy is that we can be reimbursed the "conference" rate when we stay at the conference hotel. Sometimes that has us spending a lot of MTAS money to stay at the Opryland or one of the convention centers. In future, please check with the conference hotel to see if they offer the state rate and if they don't please check with a nearby hotel to get the state rate. If you have any trouble finding a state rate hotel, please call Nancy and she'll look for you.

PS. has been working for me lately. I'm often able to beat the state rate by $10 - $20. Recently, I've paid $45 a night in Jackson, $55 in Franklin, and $50 or $55 in Nashville.

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