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05/31/2005 Executive News

Executive News

Business Manager - We are almost ready to advertise for the business manager position to replace Nancy Perkey. If all the paperwork is approved, we'll start advertising at the end of the week. We have realigned the job duties for the three administration and finance positions and converted three into two. That is, we are not going to fill the Accounting Specialist position held by Jean McGowan. Those duties will be taken over primarily by the business manager and some by Tess. We hope to have the new business manager on staff by August. In the meantime, Laura Smith continues to get a lot done in the two days a week she's with us. And Tess has more than a full time job, but we're getting it all done.

Project Reporting - It's time to start closing your projects. We've added a new feature to the Project Reporting database that should make this easier. If you are in the main menu and you go to ALL PROJECTS by CONSULTANT, you'll see a CLOSE PROJECTS button on top. This will close any project you select. You can select projects one at a time with your mouse, or you can select several projects at once by clicking in the left margin to have the check mark appear. Then click on the CLOSE PROJECTS button on top and all the selected projects will be closed with the closed date being the date of your last activity on the project. If you get mouse happy and select too many, you can always go to each individual project, edit it, and select RE-OPEN PROJECT. This will make it easier to close several projects where you don't have to make any additional entries. Our reporting system is set to only count closed projects so it's important to close all your projects for the fiscal year by the end of June. It's also important to make sure you have entered the cost avoidance and revenue enhancement figures where they apply. THANKS.

Other Positions - We're close to making an offer for the fire consultant and the training administrator positions. If you remember when you were hired there is this one, to two, to sometimes three week period between the time we make a tentative offer and the time the official UT offer is made and accepted. I don't release any names until we are completely done, so please be patient.

We are going to re-advertise for the Information Resources consultant postilion. We didn't find anyone during our first round of interviews.

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