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05/25/2017 Executive News

Executive News

· An interesting thing, this thing called Memorial Day…and not one without differing thoughts about when and how it should be recognized. We’ll have a holiday from work this coming Monday that I think “remembrance” better describes instead of “celebrate”. Many of us have been personally touched by the loss of a family member or friend…a loss that came about because they were willing to fight and die for the United States…and they did. Thank you. Thank you for the gift of freedom you’ve given us.

· Earlier this week, Armintha alerted us (again) about the University’s Sick Leave Bank. I appreciate her doing so because (and I’m stepping up to the pulpit right now) participating in it is really cheap insurance. It’s a no-brainer. I give three days of my sick leave to help a bunch of other folks and all of them are there to help me if I ever need some help. I can’t think of any GOOD reason not to join it. The enrollment announcement is attached to this message. Look at it and sign up…PLEASE. (OK, I’m stepping down from the pulpit now.)

· Last weekend, I was notified by David Folz that the faculty of the UTK MPPA program had established a special recognition of folks who have contributed time and talent to the program. Quoting Dr. Folz, “ The title "UT MPPA Fellow in Professional Practice" is conferred by vote of the MPPA faculty and signifies our appreciation for and the enduring value of the contributions made by a distinguished professional to the educational mission of the University of Tennessee MPPA program.” Well, I was happy to know that the recognition had been created but I was super happy to learn that Al, Brad, Ralph and Margaret received the award. All of us in MTAS recognize the importance of a strong educational background being pursued by MPA and MPPA candidates in various programs across Tennessee. So, its good MTAS can be a part of that experience for those students and it’s really special for our four fellow MTASers to be recognized for the contributions they make to that experience.

· I appreciate Paul Jennings inviting all IPSers to participate in internal training that CIS is doing for its staff members. Here’s Paul’s invitation.
“I’m forwarding a list of upcoming training courses that will be offered at CIS Nashville for our staff. Courses are free, except for those delivered by UTHR. Please ask your staff to contact Martha Kelley if they have questions or want to register. Below you will find the upcoming schedule. You may register at any time and I will send out specific registration opportunities for each class closer to the execution date. All classes will be held in the CIS Nashville Training Room unless otherwise specified. For the UTHR classes, you register directly with UTHR at

Course Name Date Time Short Description Target Audience
Outlook Tips and Tricks June 15 9-11 am Outlook functions your probably aren’t using that can help you become more organized All
OMB Federal Contract Training June 19 1-4 pm Basic sponsored projects, changes in Federal rules, including changes due to Uniform Guidance, Gail White Team Leaders, PIs and others who touch grants and contracts
5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity June 21-22 8:30 am – 4:30 pm by UTHR, $289 fee, 5 key choices that render dramatic results in productivity and achievement, register directly with UTHR, Ivory Patten All
OMB Federal Contract Training
June 29 1-4 pm Basic sponsored projects, changes in Federal rules, including changes due to Uniform Guidance, Gail White Team Leaders, PIs and others who touch grants and contracts, Room 209
Home and Office Safety June 29 10 am – 2:30 pm Basic safety principles to apply to both home and the workplace, Bryan Lane All
Myers Briggs – Understanding Your Personality Type Aug 17 10 am – 2:30 pm Understanding your personality type, learning about other personality types, and strategies to improve communication, Martha Kelley All
Communicating with Assertiveness and Credibility Sept 20 8:30 -11:30 am by UTHR, promote credibility through communication and discuss assertive communication techniques, Ivory Patten All
Time Management Sept 20 1 -4 pm by UTHR, identify where times is going and why, prioritize tasks into crucial areas, Ivory Patten All
Conquering Workplace Negativity Sept 21 8:30 -11:30 am By UTHR, Ivory Patten All
Meeting and Event Planning
Nov 13 10 am – 2:30 pm Learn the basics of planning a successful meeting or event from one of the industry’s top professionals, Gary Musick All

· Cyndy Edmonds will celebrate her 39 th birthday this coming Sunday, May 28 th . Happy Birthday, Cyndy! Great you’ll have an extra day to recover before heading back to the office.

· A couple service anniversaries next week. John Chlarson joined MTAS on June 1, 1998 and Honna came on board June 3, 2013. Twenty three combined years of service to MTAS, its mission and its customers…and thank both of you for what you do every day.

· My research has shown there are no golf courses in Vatican City. Such a pity!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

· A comfortable weekend for all!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director

(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

2017 SLB Enrollment Letter & Application Flyer.pdf
2017 SLB Enrollment Letter & Application Flyer.pdf

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