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05/25/2012 Executive News

Executive News

To all MTAS staff,

We have completed a first review of the MTAS Employee Information guide, and attach the current draft as a pdf document for the simultaneous review and comment of all staff. The original Word document is on the M drive under the file Employee Information Guide, and if you have suggestions and comments I ask that you do so using the “Track Changes” tool so that we can easily identify incorporate your changes into the final document. Unless you need more time for your review, I suggest that we establish a deadline for comment of June 15 . For most of us that may be adequate, but if you are intensely focused and need more time, please let me know of your preferred schedule.

Just a few comments as you start –

1. This is a draft. There are typos and mistakes, including the pages in the Table of Contents.
2. This is a substantial re-write, and I encourage you to take time to review and comment on the policies and procedures.
3. Note the section in the Appendix on the people of MTAS – this is a section that we have historically provided, and lists some of the specialties that each member of the staff provides. Please review yours, and while I prefer no more than 3 or 4 bullets under each name, please include your preferences. The Program Managers and I will review and edit these as necessary.
4. This is much longer than previous editions, as we have tried to incorporate leave and HR policies that any new employee to MTAS will need.
5. And the final copy will serve as the basis for the new employee orientation.

Thank you,


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director


600 Henley Street, Suite 120
Knoxville, TN 37996-4105
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

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MTAS Employee Information Guide 2012.pdf
MTAS Employee Information Guide 2012.pdf

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