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05/22/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Afternoon MTAS staff,

Hopefully your week is off to a great start. Here’s a recap of events from last week:

The IPS leadership team met on Tuesday. We discussed the strategic plan and heard an update on the micro goal of “each grand division having state of the art education facilities by 2020,” led by our very own Abb Oglesby. We also talked about recent personnel changes; the upcoming gubernatorial debate that IPS is co-sponsoring; development (fundraising) activities; engaging faculty; trust; the Knoxville block party (May 18 th ); the annual conference (July 31 and August 1); key performance indicators and year-end closing; and events happening at UT that have been in the news.

While on the subject of the strategic plan, I want to give a shout out to all the MTAS representatives on the various committees: Rick, Lisa, Cyndy, Richard, Steve W., and Frances. We also have two MTASers who are chairing their committees: Abb and Elisha. This is a big time commitment and also a commitment to MTAS and IPS. Thanks to the eight of you for your dedication to guiding us to the future. This is one of those “other duties as assigned” and I acknowledge and appreciate that you have accepted the additional work load and are contributing in meaningful ways.

As long as I’m celebrating, let’s keep the party going with birthday and anniversary recognitions. Last week Steve and Al celebrated birthdays (the 17 th and 18 th respectively); and Ralph had a work anniversary on the 17 th . Next year will be one of those “round numbers” for Ralph. Best wishes to all of you for a fabulous year ahead.

Last week I attended the IPS Feedback committee meeting. I’m happy to report that Brett did an excellent job representing you and your issues.

Additionally last week, the Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership hosted two Local Government Leadership Program alumni events – one in Murfreesboro and one in Knoxville. The keynote speaker for the event was Erik Ainge, UTK quarterback from 2004 – 2007. After suffering injuries, he became addicted to pain pills and that was the topic of his talk. At the middle TN event, the crowd was asked “Who in the room knows someone personally who has battled addiction?” I don’t think there was a single person who didn’t have a hand raised. This is indeed an epidemic and why opioid addiction is a focus area for Dr. DiPietro. Knox News quoted Dr. DiPietro at his state of the university address saying:

“(The opioid crisis) is exactly the kind of challenge that land-grant research universities are made to take on,” DiPietro said. “It’s a problem of such complexity and consequence, it will require all we can do to overcome it.”

The LGLP alumni event really brought this to life for me. My hand was raised too, so I shouldn’t have needed such a reminder; but hearing the same story from someone else somehow made it more alive.

Changing gears, did you know that we have a radio celebrity among us? Warren was interviewed on News Talk 94.1/1600 AM in Cookeville and talked about ethics in local government. To listen, use this link to hear the 16 minute interview:

Please don’t forget to tackle the Securing the Human training, the cyber security educational sessions. I’ve attached Lisa’s email that explains how to access the seminars. You have until October 1 to complete the training; however, there’s no time like the present to get started (and finished!).

One more reminder: Frances is compiling the next E-News, so if you have something to share, please get it to her by May 24 th (Thursday).

I leave this week’s Mustard with a quote about mustard (and ketchup and mayonnaise):

“Condiments are like old friends-highly thought of, but often taken for granted.” Marilyn Kaytor

Enjoy your week,

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