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05/22/2013 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

Good things happen frequently amongst us, but on occasion, really notable things happen that we can all celebrate. One of those has occurred in the past few days.

Yesterday, Richard Stokes was notified by the executive director of the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) that the association nominating committee has included him as a candidate for the office of president-elect. The election period will be in August and, when elected, his term will commence January 1, 2014.

We’ll celebrate again when he’s elected, but for now, we heartily congratulate him on his nomination. His dedication to the human resources management profession is plainly visible to us who get to work alongside him every day. Now, it’s apparent that his peers around the world recognize that same dedication. MTAS and our town and city customers are better because of him.

Congratulations, Richard, on the nomination!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
The University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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