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05/22/2000 Executive News

Executive News

New Budget Clerk - Dianna Beeler started work on Monday, May 22 as the new Senior Budget Clerk for MTAS. Dianna replaces Eunice Swinger who resigned last month. Since there is a campus wide hiring freeze for most positions, we were lucky that Dianna was able to transfer from CTV to MTAS. Dianna has lived in Knoxville all her life and has been with UT for four years. At CTV she was responsible for the job cost system, restricted accounts, and T-3s. Please make her welcome.

4C6.gif Professional Development Database - It's time to complete your professional development plan for FY2001. Please go to this database and complete your requests for professional development activities for the next year (select fiscal year 2001). You will need to consider activities that are job related and related to your assigned specialty (if any). Also, you may want to check back in your APR to see what commitments or requests were included there. Please have your items entered by June 9 . If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor. Thanks.

Bingham Consultancy - Sammie Lynn and I have made two more Bingham fund raising trips. We flew on the UT plane so we made a lot of visits: Murfreesboro, Nashville, Goodlettsville, and Springfield one day and then Elizabethton, Johnson City, and Greeneville the next. We were well received in all cities and, yes, everyone's fingers and thumbs are still intact. What I found is something you already know - many cities have some very exciting projects underway. We had examples of the Millennium Center in Johnson City, the new Twelve Stones housing and golf development in Goodlettsville, and the business park in Murfreesboro.

22B4.gif Computer viruses - UT has made a commitment to all departments (including MTAS) to assist with the purchasing and installation of "good-for-all" software packages. An example of this is the recent university-wide site license of Norton Anti-Virus software. This license is for all faculty & staff and covers both UT and personal computers. The greatest thing about this installation is a central server (NAV) on campus that acts as the information listener from Symantec (manufacturer of Norton Anti-Virus). Whenever Symantec releases an updated virus definition file to combat new viruses, UT's NAV server picks up the new file. NAV then distributes this file to each computer that is up & running and registered as a user. This allows your computer to be up to date on new viruses without you, the user, having to perform any checking. MTAS is in the process of implementing this solution now. Debbie & Lisa expect to have the implementation completed by the middle of July.

If you haven't already received a copy for your home computer, please contact either Debbie or Lisa.

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