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05/19/2017 Executive News

Executive News

· Once again, we offer our condolences and prayers for our CTAS brothers and sisters as they mourn the loss of yet another member of the staff. Steve Walker, County Government Consultant, passed away during the night last night. Many of us knew Steve through his long-time affiliation with CTAS and the Bond Fund. Funeral arrangements for Steve haven’t been set yet but I’ll pass them along when they are known.

· A few of us (Lisa, Frances, Rick and I) have been with members of our advisory board for the past couple days as they joined members of the other IPS advisory boards for a joint meeting in Murfreesboro. Yesterday was very interesting in that most of the day was spent in training offered by Andy Goodman (
) learning how to tell a story well. It was very interesting to hear Andy cite research that shows how we remember things much better if we learn about them through a well presented story. Really interesting stuff.

· No birthdays or service anniversaries for next week.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
o A rule I’ve always tried to follow…Never claim a ball found on the golf course as yours if it was lying next to an unconscious person.

· A comfortable weekend for all!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director

(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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