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05/17/2002 Executive News

Executive News

This is a Friday update instead of a Monday update.

Code Breakthrough - Working together, Ann and Linda, figured out a way to use the WordPerfect compare feature to take care of some of the work involved in proofreading a draft code. As a result, they were able to completely proof a draft code in several hours rather than in several days. Once a draft code is prepared there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, but this first step now goes a lot faster thanks to their work.

New Code Fees - Beginning July 1, we are raising the fees for new codes and for code updates. Steve has prepared the new rate schedule.
New Codes Charges.doc.wpd
New Codes Charges.doc.wpd
(He prepared it in WordPerfect and I reviewed it in Word, so I'm not sure what kind of document it is now). Please contact Steve if you need the original document. Cities that are on the waiting list will pay the old rates. The new rates apply from July 1 forward.

Cities with Internet access - We're starting to distribute our publications using the Internet and email. Leah and Autumn have completed a thorough telephone survey of every city. The result is we know that 66% of the cities have Internet access. But 118 don't. Here's the list.
Internet access at city hall.xls
Internet access at city hall.xls
The cities listed in blue are the 118 without. If you happen to have an email address for one of them, please forward it to Ann.

Answer Line (we answer anything) - Jim replied to a real interesting email from a disgruntled 17 year old who was having trouble getting his driver's license.
Here's Jim's explanation:
This was in my in-box this AM, presumably from the Answer Line link on the website, from some kid who evidently has failed the written part of the state driver's license test twice, which is hard to conceive of.
I pointed him in the right direction. Good thing spelling doesn't count to get a driver's license . . .
Here's the email Jim sent him:
Hi - You got the wrong address. We're part of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville - we don't have anything to do with driver's licenses. If you want to e-mail the people who do that, it's the State Dept. of Safety.
Here's their web address:

Click on the address above, or copy it into the location line of your browser and press ENTER. You'll find a link at the bottom of their page that says "Send comments to the Department of Safety". If you click on that, you can send them an e-mail. Good luck!

And here's the original (spelling and all) email:
You guys dont give guys like me a chance you say come back in 3 weeks i lost out on a good job because i had to wait and i only did not no the DUI ?? yeah here is the awnser just dont do IT!!!! im 17 and need a driveing card bad i'v been 2 times and i miss it agan i have to wait 3 months because of some supid law...

Well if you got a [REplie] please do so. So i will no what the law is going to to do.

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