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05/16/2005 Executive News

Executive News

NEW TRAVEL POLICY- This is a reminder from last week. UT is converting all travel reimbursement to the IRIS system. All travel through June 24 will be on the current Notes system, but none after June 24. This will be our MTAS cutoff for the fiscal year. Any travel you do the last week of June will be charged to FY06 instead of FY05. Beginning July 15, we will have our Notes database modified and everyone trained on the new system. As previously noted, we don't have the revised Fiscal Policy yet, so some of this may change. Regardless, you will need to close out your travel and complete your T-3 through June 24. Thanks.

The IPS Exchange - You may not remember that Armintha is the MTAS Reporter for the IPS Exchange. Please continue to send her copies of any thank you letters you receive AND, most important, please let her know when you have a project or story that would fit in The Exchange. Thanks. And, let me say how much we appreciate her being our reporter. It's not easy finding stories every month.
Professional Development - It's time to submit your entries for FY06. Please go to this database and complete your requests for professional development activities for the next year (select fiscal year 2006). You will need to consider activities that are job related. Please have your items entered by Friday, June 10. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor. Thanks.

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