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05/13/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· I had to run under a darn ladder trying to catch that black cat crossing Capitol Boulevard earlier today. Not a pretty outcome.

· “If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. Remember also that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped.” ¯ Melinda Gates

· Most may already know that Judie Martin will be retiring from IPS at the end of June this year. Best of luck with this new assignment, Judie!

· Later this year, all of the IPS agencies will distribute a survey to those customers who only slightly use (or don’t use) the services each of the agencies offer. I’m really interested in this. It will be good to know why some of our city government customers only marginally use us. Do they not know about us? Have they had a bad experience with us in the past? Do we “cost” too much? Do they rely on somebody else for the services we provide? Do they just not care? Are they confused about who we are and what we do? The list can go on and on, but I would like your thoughts about those cities that don’t use us (or don’t use us much). Send them to me and stand by to help formulate the survey questions later this year.

· The current class of the IPS Leadership Academy (LAIII) is on course to graduate in September this year. With that, the academy will take a “time out” for a year and Leadership Academy IV will commence in the fall of 2017. I realize that’s a long way off, but if you have interest, I suggest you talk with some of the alumni and members this year to help formulate your thoughts about the program.

· The Naifeh Center director search continues with 34 applications received to date. The search committee will meet May 23 rd to select candidates to be interviewed for the job.

· I’ve heard from both Honna and Pat today and learned that their respective hospital visits to get new skeletal parts installed were successful AND they are both back at their respective homes. You won’t be surprised that both have told me of their plans to be back at work (partially) next week. Continued good luck to you both, Honna and Pat.

· On May 17, 1999, Ralph Cross came to MTAS and our customers and we have all been better off because of that. Congrats, Ralph, on your 17-year service anniversary next Tuesday…and thanks for what you do for all of us.

· Steve Wyatt and Al Major celebrate birthdays next week…Steve on Tuesday (May 17) and Al on Wednesday (May 18). Amazing! Neither one looks 39.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
o …and the number of golf courses in Tennessee is……………………………..336. Amazing stuff, I know. So happy to help fulfill your life!

· Break out the sweaters (again) and enjoy a comfortable weekend!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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