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05/13/1998 Executive News

Executive News

Retreat Evaluation - Thanks to everyone for filling out the MTAS retreat evaluations. We have put the results into two forms and placed them in the staff discussion database under the MTAS Retreat 1998 heading .We'll keep them there until we start to plan next year's retreat. Most people liked the format and the location. We'll try to do as well next year.

Bobbie Sams Retires - Bobbie has been a member of Codes team as a word processing specialist since 1991. She works with both code updates and new codes. In the last year and a half she has worked with 83 cities and 96 projects. Her last day will be May 29. Her retirement letter mentioned something about not having to get up so early each Monday and a pontoon boat she and her husband have. Sounds good to me.

Design Teams Update - As you can tell from the surveys and feedback sessions, all three design teams are hard at work. I appreciate all the work they have done and all the work everyone else has done to give them the information they need. I also appreciate all the work everyone has done to help cover the gap while they were working on these projects. We will have the presentations by the design teams to the management team on May 26 and 27. Then, we'll decide what we are going to do when. We want to start some of the recommendations early in FY99.

Greenways and Trails - Somehow or other, I've been put on a committee to develop a statewide vision and action plan for greenways and trails for Tennessee. Do you have a stronger interest in this than I and would you be interested in representing MTAS on this committee?

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