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05/11/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Update #18:

We do have progress to report with the move to the new building at 1610 University Avenue, in Knoxville, and with this note I’ll bring you to speed with the project.

The bid opening for the building renovation is now scheduled for the week of May 21. We have all suspected that the schedule would be adjusted, and we have now received confirmation that the estimated project completion date has been changed to late October/early November of 2015. There could be other schedule changes as well, so this certainly is not final.

We are continuing to evaluate options for a number of move details. The teams have taken and will be taking the following steps over the next few weeks:

Business Team
o Estimating expenses and how best to distribute these across IPS and with the Foundation.
o Considering, now or later, a business plan for renting out the meeting space after hours and on weekends in keeping (not in competition) with the present plan at the conference center.

IT Team
o Moving forward with the wiring and electronics proposal as outlined by Scott and Justin.
o Following up with UTK on obtaining an IP telephone system for the building.
o Making sure that the building is to UTK standards for data and telephone.

Logistics Team
o Estimating and obtaining boxes and storage options for files with the move.
o Developing a tentative date for offices to pack up and prepare for the move.
o Making sure that the building is cleaned after construction and furniture moves but before we move in.

Planning Team
o Purchasing furniture for the training rooms and break rooms, if the existing furniture will not be suitable, with delivery to be timed with the move unless we have other storage space.
o Obtaining and installing blinds throughout the building, and retaining blinds that are both attractive and suitable.
o Identifying ice machines, appliances and coffee machines. We are also working to identify potential sponsors coffee machines and coffee installed throughout the building (coffee bar, 2 break rooms, possibly conference room).

We do have a draft neighborhood engagement plan and expect to start meetings with neighborhood groups after construction starts. The Foundation has expressed an interest in participating in this effort.

The members of the project planning teams include the following, and please do contact me or the members of the teams if you have questions or need further information:

Team Lead
Central Office
Team Assignments
Planning Rick Whitehead Susan Robertson Stephanie Allen Renovations/space assignment
Steve Thompson Macel Ely Painting/carpet
Beth Phillips Doug Brown Furniture
Jill Marling
Logistics Judie Martin Walter Idol P. J. Snodgrass Parking/signage
Nancy Gibson Brett Ward Mail/ID cards
ecblank.gif ecblank.gif Packing/Moving
Business office Gail White Thaddeus Grace Sherri Brown Files
Dale Wolfe ecblank.gif
IT Scott Gordy N/A Justin O'Hara IT, telephones, equipment, security
Library Frances Adams-O'Brien N/A Becky Smeltzer MTAS library relocation

Thank you for your service to the university and the state of Tennessee, and I do look forward to a successful move.


Steven T. Thompson
Assistant Vice President
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
865-974-9609 Telephone
239-963-6738 Cell

Document Author