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05/09/2018 Executive News

Executive News

Greetings MTAS,

Next week will mark my ninth month on the job as the director. As you know, I spent a considerable amount of time listening to you last fall. This winter I read and re-read my notes, studied the MTAS budget, and studied the organizational chart for the agency. Also, I had mentioned in my staff presentation during the interview process that I envisioned a smaller management team. After much careful thought and consideration, I have arrived at a new arrangement for our structure.

Please find attached the new organizational chart that will go into effect June 1, 2018. I plan to discuss this with you in detail at the MTAS retreat in June. One of my goals with this plan is to remove some of the barriers to the silos we have; hence greater consolidation. I know that structure alone will not solve the problem of compartmentalization, but it is one step forward along with several others. Please note that functional areas are listed alphabetically and there is no other significance as to one area being listed before another.

Please feel free to speak with your team manager and colleagues about what this means for you. I look forward to our time together in June to further discuss the reorganization.

Thank you for the hard work you do for our TN communities. Together we really do improve the lives of Tennesseans.


MTAS Org Chart 5-09-18 with logo v2.pdf
MTAS Org Chart 5-09-18 with logo v2.pdf

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