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05/03/2004 Executive News

Executive News


I attended three meetings of city officials last week - the clerks and recorders on Wednesday, the city administrators and managers on Wednesday and Thursday, and the west Tennessee Mayors on Friday. They are three very different groups of city officials and three very different meetings. One thing they all have in common is each group is well supported by MTAS. This is one way we support our customers and I'm proud of the skills we bring to each group. All three meetings were better because MTAS was there.

TAMCAR - Kurt, Jennifer, Sandy, and Linda helped run the Tennessee Association of Municipal Clerks and Recorders meeting in the Cool Springs Marriott Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. About 115 city clerks and recorders attended. They heard about GASB 34 from Al, Ralph,and Dick, about legal issues from Sid and they were rolling in the aisles during a presentation on "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Ray. My only regret is that we don't have Ray's presentation on tape.

TCMA - Gary coordinated a successful meeting of the Tennessee City Managers in the Nashville Airport Marriott Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This time was a little different because it was a joint meeting with the Kentucky city and county managers. About 20 managers from Kentucky joined about 50 from Tennessee.

Gary will be transferring the job of executive director of TCMA to Margaret between now and the fall meeting of TCMA. Since Margaret's previous assignment was TWIG (Tennessee Women in Government), I'm looking for a volunteer.

West Tennessee Mayors - David as the secretary for the group coordinated the meeting at the Agriculture Museum in Milan. Dick, Steve, John, and Rick helped. And Dennis provided half the program. If you're interested in menus you should know that while all three groups ate well, only the Mayors ate steak!

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