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04/30/2001 Executive News

Executive News

Comings and Goings - Here are two changes.

Pamela Bingham has resigned effective Friday, May 11. Pamela has some family responsibilities that will require more of her time than she can give while working. We will miss her.

Harriet Jordan has agreed to stay with MTAS part-time for about 10 hours per week until we fill her position as Technical Services Librarian. With all the procedures we have to follow, this can sometime take four months or more.

Professional Development - Please remember that you need to make your entries in the Professional Development Database by Tuesday May 15.

TML Awards - Consultants please note the deadline for sending TML nominations for awards is this Friday.

State Fire and Codes Academy - On April 18, I joined the rest of the IPS directors for a short tour of the new State Fire and Codes Academy. This is a project that Ray Crouch has been working on for at least half his professional life. And, it was worth the wait. It's not officially open, but when it is it will be a premier training facility for both fire and codes personnel. They have a test house with at least 46 code violations that will be used in the training. The burn facility is a four story, $6 million structure with computer controls for the propane burns. It's fantastic. At some point in the future, we may do an MTAS retreat or staff meeting at the Academy so all of us have a chance to see the facility when it's being used.

Bingham Consultants - Using the Bingham funds, we are going to sponsor three session leaders during the TML convention.

IPS News - Effective May 1, Mary Taylor will no longer be the acting executive director of IPS; she will be the executive director of IPS along with a new title of chief of staff for public service, public relations, and governmental relations.

IRIS - Nancy, LisaT, Daisy, and DonnaW continue to struggle the learn the new UT IRIS accounting systems. The struggle is that some of the program is still being developed. So, please send them any information they request from you as quickly as possible. We're not sure how long it will take to process all of this while the system is being broken in. Eventually, all of our transactions should be quicker, we're just not sure how long it will take to get to eventually.

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