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04/29/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· While this may have most appeal to the Knoxville-area MTASers because of its location, please take a look at the attached .pdf file and see where LEIC is inviting all IPSers to lunch at the UT Arboretum in Oak Ridge on June 17 th . I’ve not visited the Arboretum but hearing Don Green’s description, I’m looking forward to visiting it (and eating lunch on Don’s ticket).

· Yesterday afternoon, the Knoxville IPS offices hosted a block party for folks from the surrounding neighborhood. The weather turned out to be really good and lots of folks showed up. It was good to see handshakes being exchanged as new friendships were formed and even some old friendships being renewed. There were a ton of kids from the neighborhood enjoying the bounce house, face painting and gift bags. The cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs and soft drinks were plentiful and consumed in huge quantities. Many of the adults who came by were invited in to see the new building and were given a tour to give them an idea of what the IPS agencies do. A really rewarding outcome of the party was the invitation by members of the neighborhood association to participate in future activities it plans. It was good to make some new friends.

· On Monday and Tuesday of this week, twenty-one IPSers worked intensely on planning the process and identifying the many stakeholders to be listened to in developing the IPS strategic plan. Lisa, Rick, Chris and I represented MTAS at the meeting. There will be more detailed information coming from Herb about this, but know that each one of us will play very important roles both as stakeholders to be heard and helping to get our customers to listening events that are being scheduled in late July at several locations across the state. I’m really happy with the breadth of the stakeholder pool that has already been identified and will continue developing over the next few weeks. The planning team committed to several key things about the development of the plan…the resulting plan will be a map to be followed to assure organizational success into the future…the process of developing it will be as widely inclusive as it can be…the process will be transparent at every step of the way…the resulting plan will be different from the existing plan and it will be meaningful. All tall orders to live up to but ones that are critical to the plan’s successful development. You’ve heard from me several times now about the plan and I’m committed to keeping everybody aware of what’s going on. In the meantime, I’m look forward to questions you may have.

· Four years ago tomorrow (April 30, 2012), Brad Harris joined MTAS. Thanks, Brad, for your contributions to us in MTAS and the many MTAS customers you have served during that time.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
o Next Wednesday May 4th, Becky Smeltzer will celebrate her 39 th birthday. Happy Birthday, Becky…and many more!
o The higher the number of the golf club, the shorter the distance it hits the ball. Yet another example of how “opposites” and logic don’t match up sometimes. Go figure. ( of course, there’s nothing logical about my golf game )

· It’s been a long week and we get to do it again next week. I hope a comfortable weekend is enjoyed by all.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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