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04/29/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Publications Process - With Carole gone some folks are confused about how we do publications. Here's the process as it stands now:
  • Publication is written by consultant by assigned due date
  • Consultant sends publication to peer reviewers and copies pubs manager (currently Lisa) and supervisor
  • Consultant sets and communicates deadline for the peer review process when distributing the publication
  • Author and peer reviewers come to consensus on suggested changes
  • Publication is sent to pubs manager (still currently Lisa) for editing
  • Publication with edits is returned to author for read-through
  • Edits approved by author (send e-mail to pubs manager)
  • Publication put in layout software
  • (For large publications only) Layout approved by author (send e-mail to pubs manager)
  • Publication distributed on our web site & sent to Graphic Arts for printing if necessary

    Consultant should check with Mike or Sharon if unsure of who to ask to peer review a publication. The purpose of the peer review is not editing - it is making sure the content is on target. As time goes by, more and more publications will be exclusively electronic. That is, we won't mail them, we'll send them through email.

    Water Plant Security Training - Steve presented his (and Brett's) water plant security course for Clarksville earlier this month. 27 people attended the class. Most were from Clarksville, but the towns of Adams, Cedar Hill, Dover, Cumberland City, Tennessee Ridge, Ashland City and Waverly were also represented. Clarksville liked the training so much, they invited Steve back this week to catch the staff who were off duty the first time.

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