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04/25/2005 Executive News

Executive News

IPS customer satisfaction survey - Every two years IPS contracts to have a customer service survey for each agency. Here's a copy of the MTAS survey for 2005. The last "wave" of surveys was mailed last week.
MTAS survey instrument revision -2.doc
MTAS survey instrument revision -2.doc

Finances - I promised during the staff retreat to start sending everyone a monthly update on our finances. It's taken longer than I thought it would. Here's the first copy as of March 31, 2005. It may well raise more questions than it answers. Let me know if you have any questions. 9 of 12 months of the fiscal year are complete so ideally, we should be at 75% of our budget targets. You will notice we have collected 75.2% of our revenues and our expenses are at 70.2%.

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