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04/23/2007 Executive News

Executive News

Chattanooga Code Delivered - Congratulations to the codes team (Steve, Nancy, Linda, Doug, and Hannah). The City of Chattanooga sent a panel truck last week to pick up the 26 boxes of the two volume Chattanooga City Code - and we have pictures to prove it!
12CE.jpg 7C2A.jpg

Recruiting - We have completed the interviews for training coordinator and should be able to fill that position soon. We are almost finished with the interviews for the research specialist and should be able to fill that position in a couple of weeks.

TML Awards - The consultant nominations for TML awards to cities are due May 7.

Train the Trainer - Izetta, Jim, Kurt, Sarah, Sandy, and Elaine held a train the trainer for MMA with a roomful of 16 new contract trainers last Friday. the MMA program continues to expand so we need to expand the number of trainers available.

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