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04/19/2000 Executive News

Executive News

Management team minutes - We are going to keep the minutes more up to date. Here is a link to the meetings database and the view that shows the management team. SharonR did the minutes for both the January and March meetings.

TML Booth - Once again, with able assistance from Armintha, Carole is in charge of our booth at the TML conference. This year, instead of Little Debbies, we are going to have orange and white M&Ms.

Scanners and equipment - We have put three scanners in our FY2001 budget. We'll buy them in July or August. Also, we are going to purchase new backup equipment for Knoxville. In the meantime, we are backing up all servers each Friday.

Comings and Goings - We have several changes.
Mark Pullen - Mark's last day will be May 1. We have decided to locate the legal consultant position in Knoxville. This conforms to our reorganization plan that recommended consolidating our attorney positions. Pamela will remain in Nashville, but the new position and any subsequent positions will be in Knoxville.

Eunice Swinger - Eunice resigned to take a job in Knoxville with Anderson Publishing. Her last day is Thursday, April 20. We have a modified hiring freeze for most support positions so we are not sure when we will be able to fill this position, or Laura's below.

Laura Smith - Laura is almost finished with her Masters of Public Administration. One of the last requirements she has is an internship. Beginning May 1, she will start her internship with MTAS. She will do some administrative projects for me, but the most exciting and beneficial part of her internship will be to assist consultants with city projects. Please call Laura if you have a project she can help you with.

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