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04/18/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· MTAS was well represented this week at the Tennessee City Management Association spring conference in Murfreesboro. I’ve been attending TCMA conferences for 15+ years and this was one of the best. Margaret and John Grubbs presented. I was somewhat surprised and very appreciative of the number of very positive references to MTAS that many of the presenters made. Those references were made s indicating how MTAS assisted in hiring good staff members, solving problematic issues, providing information pertinent to a project being implemented, etc. It’s always good to get those unsolicited pats on the back.

· Service - contribution to the welfare of others . Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

· It was sad to learn early in the week that Webb Banks, former mayor of Brownsville, passed away last Sunday. Mayor Banks served Brownsville for 16 years and was a good friend to MTAS.

· Several weeks ago, I alerted you to and asked your participation in my 360 0 evaluation survey. The survey has been concluded and my evaluation report was received this week. The survey was sent to 60+ folks at my choosing which included all of you, the other members of the IPS Leadership Team and several of our customers. Forty six folks completed the survey. So, what does the report tell me? Well, I’m doing OK on several things, but more importantly, there’s a couple things that folks are telling me I need to shape up on. Consider your assignment accepted. To those of you who responded, thanks for your time, thoughts and candor. For those of you who didn’t, you’ll get another opportunity early next year.

· When Governor Haslam presented his budget back in January, it included an increase in state appropriation for the non-formula funding units of the University of 2.5%. Recently, he proposed an amendment to the original draft that increased the amount to 3.25%. I know that both houses of the legislature passed the budget yesterday and I’m assuming the amendment passed along with the rest. That would be a good thing since we budgeted for a 3% salary adjustment pool in the FY2017 plan.

· Several days ago, Herb asked the agency directors for our thoughts about how the salary adjustment pool should be used. The directors concurred that 2/3 of the pool should go towards across-the-board adjustments and 1/3 towards merit adjustments. There’s more work to be done regarding the adjustments, but I wanted you to be aware of the direction we’re headed right now. Don’t shoot me if it doesn’t turn out exactly like this.

· Yep, you’ve got 72 extra hours to fret about writing that check to the IRS. Enjoy that time!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
o Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day! William Arthur Ward
o Sherri Brown, Happy Birthday on Monday, April 18 th ! Hope it’s a great day for you. Your 39 th , I believe, isn’t it?
o The Official Rules of Golf are written and administered jointly by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the United States Golf Association. Now, your life is complete.

· Sunny with highs in the 70’s and low 80’s in greater Goodlettsville this weekend. Hope it’s the same where you’ll be for a very comfortable weekend.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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