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04/18/1994 Executive News

Executive News

April 18, 1994

It's National Library Week !! April 18 is the first day of National Library Week. Here are some statistics Carol picked up about libraries and the people they serve.

Professional staff without libraries and librarians spend 94 more hours per year trying to get needed information.

An individual seeking information will typically spend 5 times more time in the effort than a librarian would.

It costs an organization about three times as much overall NOT to have a library than it does to fund and staff a library.

High achievers, award winners, and/or an organization's most productive staff are typically also heavy users of the organizational library.

Professional Development Plan Our strategic plan calls for a professional development plan. As we discussed during our video staff meeting, I've asked Joe Muscatello to take the lead in this. He'll be in touch with you soon. We've set a goal to have the plan completed by July 1.

CGT Assistant Director CGT has hired Steve Collie as its new Assistant Director. Steve comes to CGT from the City of Waynesboro where he served as City Manager. A veteran of Vietnam and Desert Storm, Steve spent 22 years in the United States Air Force.

Steve has worked with the design and delivery of training programs for adults since 1988. He has developed technical programs, occupational safety courses, management information system training, and other operational procedures courses. In addition, Steve has developed and implemented programs in customer service, diversity training, and Total Quality Management awareness training. He has also been responsible for the annual training of six thousand Reserve and National Guard personnel. With the City of Waynesboro, Steve developed police and fire department training programs.

*Library Citizen Surveys Now that the library has done one complete citizens' survey from start to finish, we have developed a time line for these projects. It outlines the information we need from the city before we can start, how long we need to complete a project, and what steps are to be taken when along the way. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let Carol know.

* Sales Tax Our receipts are not as far ahead of last year as they were at the beginning of the year, but we are still ahead of budget projections.

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