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04/17/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Update #3:

This note serves as the bi-weekly update on the discussions and recommendations associated with the move of IPS offices to the new building at 1610 University Avenue, in Knoxville. The full notes are captured in the SharePoint site at

The closing on the building has been on hold pending preparation of a final survey on the property. After the survey is completed the closing will be scheduled for 2 weeks later, so we’re expecting an early May closing. After we have possession of the property we’ll start scheduling tours for staff. A great deal of the work of the committees is on hold until we have possession of the building, but there is planning and work taking place. With the understanding that nothing is final at this time, I will summarize some of the discussions taking place in the committees, and refer you to the SharePoint site for more detail with these discussions:

Project Management Team. We have developed a listing of frequently asked questions (FAQs), and have placed these on the SharePoint site. I expect that this document will change over time, as we will update information as we learn more. Please let me know if there are other questions that should be added or answered.

Planning Team. The building does include existing office furniture and cubicles, and the planning committees will be comparing these against our present cubicles and furniture. The committees are also looking into new furniture and dividers. I believe that the recommendation that we will be discussing in the project management team is that if we are to move forward with developing actual offices within 5 years that we may want to initially use existing furniture. If the plan is to keep the building mostly “as is” for more than 5 years, then we probably need new furniture and cubicles. This is an issue that is under constant discussion with the committees. Committee members are also meeting with the different teams (legal, training, etc.) that will occupy space in the building for space and location needs. The Project Planning Team is preparing to inventory cubicle and office needs, in coordination with the other committees.

IT Team. The IT team is tasked with a number of technology issues, including the use of landlines and wireless telephone and data ports. Most of the work of this team is necessarily on hold until the university closes on the building, but contractors have visited and are evaluating the phone, data and security systems in and to the building.

Library Relocation. The team is measuring shelves and furniture for relocation to the new building, and is assisting with the inventory of furniture, the library collection and shelves.

Logistics Team. The Logistics Team is working with UTK on the work order required for the move. Many of the team members are unable to meet next week and will be meeting again in May to continue planning for the move.

The members of the project planning teams include the following, and please do contact me or the members of the teams if you have questions or need further information:
Planning and Design - Rick Whitehead (lead): Stephanie Allen, Doug Brown, Macel Ely, Jill Marling, Beth Phillips, Susan Robertson, Steve Thompson
Logistics - Judie Martin (lead): Jane Davis, Nancy Gibson, Walter Idol, Gary Peevely, P. J. Snodgrass, Brett Ward
Business Office - Gail White (lead): Sherri Brown, Dale Wolfe
IT and Security - Scott Gordy (lead): Justin O'Hara
Library Relocation - Frances Adams-O'Brien (lead): Becky Smeltzer

I appreciate the on-going work of the planning teams, and look forward to a successful move.

Thank you,


Steven T. Thompson
Assistant Vice President
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
865-974-9609 Telephone
865-974-1528 Fax

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