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04/17/2012 Executive News

Executive News

In September 2010, IPS began its first Leadership Academy with 18 employees from IPS agencies and the central office selected to attend. They will be completing their session in August 2012. It is hard to believe that it has been almost two years since they started. I am pleased to announce that we will begin a second Leadership Academy in September 2012 and we are opening nominations for the next session.

Attached is the application, general information on the academy and what is required of you. I urge you to read the materials and also talk with the current participants in the academy as to the commitment of time, travel and other requirements of work that is expected of you while in the program. The academy is a two-year commitment and meets approximately every four months. The dates for 2012 are already set and are listed in the materials. You must attend all classes.

If you applied for the first session and were not selected, I urge you to apply again. There are three ways to be nominated: by your agency director or supervisor, by another IPS employee or you may self-nominate. If you are nominating someone, please talk with them to ascertain their interest and availability. If you are self-nominating, talk with your supervisor to let him/her know of your interest in attending and to ensure his/her commitment in supporting your attendance.

Nominations should be sent to Judie Martin and the closing date is May 15, 2012.


IPS Leadership Academy.docx
IPS Leadership Academy.docx

2012 IPS LA Nom and App Form.pdf
2012 IPS LA Nom and App Form.pdf

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