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04/17/2006 Executive News

Executive News

PDQ Review - You'll remember that last September we completed revised Position Data Questionnaires for each position. We had been told that we would have the results back late in 2005. That hasn't happened. It has taken longer to review them than planned. Here's an excerpt from the minutes of the exempt staff council covering this question. Jackie Fish is with LEIC and is the IPS representative on this council. Alan Chesney is the head of UT HR. Gayle Mathews is chair of the exempt staff council.

· IPS PDQ Results – Jackie Fish asked when the IPS PDQ results would be released.
Alan Chesney replied that HR-Comp has reviewed them and are in the process of sharing the results with the appropriate administrators. Therefore, the results should soon be released.
Gayle Mathews added that it is often necessary for back and forth discussion on some of the results, which holds up the release of all the results.
Ms. Mathews asked Dr. Chesney when the results would be released. Dr. Chesney replied that the evaluations results for IT and Human Resources were out of his hands.

So, we don't yet know when we'll get the approved copies of the PDQs.

Oak Ridge - Several folks in the Knoxville office heard a rumor that we were not going to move. That was just a rumor. We are still planning to move - we just don't know when. The State Fire Marshal sent a request for additional information to the UT architect on April 3. After the reply is received by the Fire Marshal, we may get permission to resume construction. After that, we have about three months of construction, but, of course, we don't know when that will start.

KnowledgeBase - Several consultants have been working with Frances and Becky to review everything in KnowledgeBase. So far that have made impressive inroads in to the work. 1,986 documents have been reviewed and approved out of a total of 2,791.

C88.gif MMA - The Municipal Management Academy had its first graduates from Level III last week - Franklin and Dyersburg. Congratulations to Jim and everyone else on the MMA team.

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