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04/16/2007 Executive News

Executive News

TML new web site - TML has revised its website. Here's what they say: "The various changes will enable our members to access vital information, on a timely basis, regarding legislation, talking points, news clips, meetings, surveys and other points of interest." The web address is the same –
. We link to it from our front page. Give it a look. You navigate by using the tabs at the top. The "Hometown Connection" is a new page with the various lobbying and information initiatives that were introduced this year.

IPS Annual Conference - You probably already have, but please mark your calendar for the IPS annual conference. It will be in Gatlinburg beginning at 8 AM on October 17 and ending around 1 PM on October 18. Thanks.

5E4E.gif Blackberries - Final details are being worked out, but it looks like we will be able to support the connection of Blackberry devices for most consultants to our network beginning in July (2007). Several restrictions will apply and all the details are not yet complete. But if your phone contract is up for renewal or if you have been planning to buy a new phone, you may want to wait until July. Thanks.

10D6.gif Network printing to the Knoxville copiers - Jennifer has worked to put together the application to print from your desk on the two copiers in Knoxville. Next step is the Nashville copier. On first glance this may not sound like much but it's a BIG DEAL. It sounds like it's easy but it takes a lot of work to get it done. Thanks to Jennifer AND to Armintha and her committee who picked the copiers.

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