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04/15/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Cell Phone - You need to know I've given up my pager and changed my cell phone number. My new number is 865/207-0074. I have the phone with me all the time, so if I'm not at my desk (974-9829) just call the cell phone. And, here's the list of everyone's pager and cell phone. MTAS Personnel

Ron Gibson- Several of us (Pat, Rick, Sharon, Sally, Dennis, Mike, and me) attended Ron's funeral Friday. Rae and Carole were there to represent TML. The CGT staff is, like the rest of us, still in shock. Bob Schettler read a tribute on behalf of the CGT staff and did an excellent job. Commissioner Dorothy Shell-Berry of the State Department of Personnel also spoke from the heart. I don't like to attend funerals and this one the least of all. We will miss Ron.

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