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04/12/1998 Executive News

Executive News

TML Awards - Please start thinking about your nominations. We should receive the request to prepare the nominations soon.

Support Staff Personnel Audit - During the months of January and February, the Human Resource Department conducted job audits for all of our support staff positions. This was a long, involved process and required everyone to complete a position questionnaire describing their job functions and responsibilities. One-on-one interviews were conducted with each employee and their supervisors. We requested the audit to ensure that each person’s position was properly classified. The audit resulted in five grade level changes and one title change. Mary Beatty was reclassified as Writer-Reporter; Leah Cox reclassified as Senior Library Specialist; Armintha Loveday reclassified as Administrative Services Assistant; Claudia Walsh as Administrative Services Assistant; Judy Updegraff as Senior Budget Clerk, and Ann O'Connell had a title change from Publications Specialist to Computer Programmer/Specialist.

Congratulations to everyone who improved their grade level. We're sorry it wasn't everyone.

The Knoxville Office Beatification Award goes to Judy Updegraff. Judy has done a bang up job replacing old worn out looking plants with new ones. She didn't stop there, however. She thought a fountain would be nice. She even brought one from home to install during the IPS System Visit several weeks ago. Since Eddie decided it would be nice to have their fountain back...Judy, asked politely for donations so that MTAS could have it's very own fountain. THANK YOU, Judy for making the MTAS office a bit brighter.

Publications- We have made several changes in our publications procedures. The management team will make the final edits to a revised process during our meeting later this week and I'll get everyone copies as soon as it is final. In addition we have created a new database to keep track of publications. Please add it to your workspace by clicking here.

Also, in the area of publications, JimF and I have made a change in his job. He will be spending far less time with Notes databases. That work is being transferred to AnnO. He is picking up a lot of work in the area of publications. He will be working with Carole and Carol to decide which publications to recommend for updating. But, most of his time will be spent writing new publications and revising old publications. Our publication production has dropped off during the last several years. Consultants cannot keep up with our work load of projects and questions and still do many publications. So, we are going to assign JimF to publications practically full time.

50th Anniversary Theme - I'm still looking for suggestions for a theme for our 50th anniversary. Here is the list of activities again. Database 'MTAS Staff Discussion', View 'By Category', Document 'Calendar of Events'

Tax Day - I know you don't need to be reminded, but if you get a chance remind MikeP that his taxes are due soon. Remember, Ann can help you with the forms needed to change your deductions.

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