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04/11/2017 Executive News

Executive News

Committee Named for MTAS Director Search
As most of you now know, MTAS Executive Director Jim Thomas has announced his retirement effective June 30. Not long ago, for our weekly L.E.A.D.! article, Don Green did a great job of talking about Jim’s leadership contributions. We’ll miss him!

Because we can’t seem to talk Jim out of his planned retirement (or don’t want to face the wrath of Cissy Thomas if we were to be successful), we are beginning the search process. Our hope is to have a replacement on board near the time of Jim’s departure. Jim has graciously offered to be available to assist in the transition, if needed.

The search is underway as of today, Monday, April 10. The first committee meeting today will cover expectations for the committee, a review of the PDQ; job description, and announcement; potential recruitment targets; equity and diversity guidelines; and more. If everything goes according to plan, we will announce the position vacancy this week, post for 30 days, review applicants and interview candidates in late May or early June.

CTAS Executive Director Robin Roberts has agreed to chair the committee. Other committee members are:
Roger Campbell – Assistant City Manager, Maryville
Dr. David Folz – Professor of Political Science, UTK
Pat Hardy – Consultant, MTAS
Curtis Hayes – Mayor, Livingston
Margaret Mahery – Executive Director, Tennessee Municipal League
Mitchell Moore – City Manager, Athens (Retired) and past president of MTAS Advisory Council
Honna Rogers – Consultant, MTAS
Charles “Bones” Seivers – President-CEO, Municipal Bond Fund
Michelle Terry – Administrative Support Assistant III, MTAS
Mike Walker – Director, Tennessee City Manager Association
Nominations may be given to any committee member, or to Tomi Rogers in IPS Human Resources. Details on how to apply will be in the IPS Catch-Up Newsletter after the position has posted.

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