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04/05/2012 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

Last week I shared our highest rated areas from the survey. This week I will share our opportunities for improvement. Those areas with positive scores less than 65% and negative scores greater than 14% are areas of concern. We will begin working on plans to address a few areas at a time.

· Professional development
o I understand the necessary requirements to advance my career
· Compensation, benefits and work/life
o I am paid fairly for my work
· Policies, resources and efficiency
o Our review process accurately measures my job performance
o Our orientation program prepares new staff to be effective
o This institute is well run
· Staff relations
o There is regular and open communication among staff
· Communication
o When I offer a new idea, I believe it will be fully considered
o In my department, we communicate openly about issues that impact each other’s work
o Changes that affect me are discussed prior to being implemented
o At this institute, we discuss and debate issues respectfully to get better results
· Collaboration
o We have opportunities to contribute to important decisions in my department
· Fairness
o I can speak up or challenge a traditional way of doing something without fear of harming my career
o Promotions in my department are based on a person’s ability
o Issues of low performance are addressed in my department
o This institute’s policies and practices ensure fair treatment for staff
· Respect and appreciation
o I am regularly recognized for my contributions
o Our recognition and awards programs are meaningful to me
· UT System
o I understand how merit increases are determined
o I understand the UT system’s role in supporting individuals from an underrepresented identity group

See any surprises?


Mary H. Jinks
Vice President
Institute for Public Service
The University of Tennessee
Suite 105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213


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