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04/01/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· In light of it being April Fools Day, I certify that the information contained herein is (mostly) true and factual.

· Folks, no longer do we have to make poster-board-and-magic-marker-signs identifying us as MTAS when we go to conferences, trainings, meetings, etc. Earlier this week, we received three portable banners and three table coverings that display our name and logo much more artistically and appropriately than our handmade posters. See the attached photo files. One of each are now available in the Knoxville, Nashville and Jackson offices and I encourage each of us to use them when an indication of our presence at an event is appropriate. The two pictures were taken yesterday at the benchmarking meeting in Murfreesboro and some complimentary comments were received from our guests. Both are very portable and even I can assemble and breakdown the banner. When you use them, send me a photo of where and how they were used. Also, remember that the full size MTAS display is available for use, but use these two new things when the full size display isn’t needed. Lastly and importantly, thanks to Armintha and Frances for getting these made up for us.

· Does anyone know the dates of this year’s IPS Conference?

· Earlier this week, I got a reminder about the Sick Leave Bank enrollment. Let me get up on the pulpit for just a minute. Folks, this is really “cheap” insurance if I ever find myself approaching a depletion of my sick leave balance because of some extraordinary medical event. If enrolling is something that would work for you, I hope you will join me in doing so.

· Dennis told me yesterday that about half of us have already told him what our lodging and special diet needs will be for the IPS Conference. Thanks for taking care of this and getting back to him by next Tuesday, April 5 th . If you miss the deadline…well, let me know how sleeping in the back seat of your car works for you.

· Now hear this! Now hear this! Help Sherri help you . Yes, I know. Sherri always helps us, but she’s not clairvoyant (at least I don’t think she is). When you have a professional development opportunity that is going to be out-of-state, don’t just enter it in Professional Development and then walk away. That out-of-state travel must be entered and approved in IRIS and, more than likely, there is a registration that has to be paid for which (most times) an “early bird special” rate is available. Folks, two days before the event is to start does not constitute “early bird” if you expect Sherri to work her magic and get the payment on its way. So, going forward, expect Sherri’s help with all this only when you have notified her at least one month in advance of the event that your out-of-state travel needs approval and that your registration fees need paying. Yep! At least one month in advance. Nuf sed!

· In 1999, Warren joined MTAS on April 1 st and Macel did the same thing on April 1, 2013. Congrats to both of you for hanging with us and thanks for what you do for all of us!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o David Angerer will celebrate his 39 th birthday next Thursday, April 7 th . Congrats, David…and have a happy one…or two…or three!
o The center of the golfing universe will be in Augusta, Georgia all next week.
. Folks, knowing how much each of you enjoys golf…well, it just doesn’t get any better than this! Seriously though, open the link and scroll down the right side to “For the Spieth’s, It’s a Family Affair” . Great read about humility, family and friendships.

· …and after you’ve mowed your yard (for about the fifth time so far this spring), enjoy a comfortable weekend!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219



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