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03/28/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Good morning.

We have been notified that the university expects to close on the new building on University Avenue in mid-April. While we don’t yet have ready access to the building, in anticipation of the closing the IPS planning teams are actively meeting and working through the issues that impact us with this move. This brief note summarizes some of the work underway, and I know that all of us involved in the planning process welcome your comments, questions and input.

1. With the start of this project we committed to regular updates, and there have been a number of issues that have delayed the project moving forward. Now that the closing is moving forward we will provide regular updates on team meetings, the plans for tours (after the closing on the building), and the emphasis on safety.

2. Scott Gordy has established a SharePoint site for the project, and through this you should have an easy ability to view the updates of the teams, meeting notices and relevant building documents. We do plan to keep this up-to-date so that everyone knows the status of the project. The SharePoint site address is as follows:

3. Safety at the new offices will be a priority for all of us, and the project leadership team will take the lead in developing recommendations on safety. The facility already has a camera system and other security measures, and Scott Gordy’s team will be reviewing the technology – swipe cards, cameras and phones – associated with security. In addition, Gail White is working with the UTK on the facility operational agreement, and is looking at ways that we can use the services of UTK to add to the safety and security at the building.

4. Each team is developing a series of steps necessary to for a successful move, and Jill Marling will place these steps into a project management file that we will post on the SharePoint site. I have attached the current listing of team leaders, members and assignments for your assistance.

5. We will schedule tours of the facility for interested members of the IPS staff as soon as the university takes ownership of the building in April. The planning team had an opportunity to tour the meeting last week with the design architect assisting us with the move, and I hope that you will take time to ask about their impressions and concerns.

Please let me know if you have questions or thoughts, and I believe that we all are looking forward to a successful move.


Steven T. Thompson
Assistant Vice President
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
865-974-9609 Telephone
865-974-1528 Fax

University Avenue Planning Team.xlsx
University Avenue Planning Team.xlsx

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