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03/28/2012 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

Yesterday the Modern Think consultant provided the IPS Leadership team with summary results from the Employee Engagement Survey we participated in last November. IPS had the highest participation rate in the entire UT system at 85%. As we expected, we have some areas of strength and some opportunities for improvement (they appear below).

Upcoming Steps :
· The Modern Think consultant will review the data with the IPS HR strategy team and the IPS Employee Relations Team. These two teams will work jointly on ideas to improve the institute as a whole.
· The IPS Leadership Team will review the data, along with recommendations from the previously mentioned teams, and make a final recommendation for action steps.
· We will ask Modern Think to provide data by agency so that each agency can discuss its specific results with the agency staff.
· We will post data on the IPS Intranet site for review and feedback.

There may be other opportunities to share the data. If you have suggestions, please let me or Judie Martin know.

Thanks for your participation. Together we can make IPS a great place to work.


Strengths by Theme
· Job Fit and Connection to Mission
· Resources and Facilities
· Benefits and Work/Life Balance
· Professional Development
· Diversity and Inclusion
· System Support

Opportunities by Theme
· Communication
· Collaboration
· Supervisory Competencies
· Senior Leadership
· Performance Management
· Compensation, Recognition and Appreciation

More details to come as we begin to make meaning of the data. Thanks again for your participation.


Mary H. Jinks
Vice President
Institute for Public Service
The University of Tennessee
Suite 105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213


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