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03/28/1996 Executive News

Executive News

Schedule Changes - Please CANCEL the video staff meeting on your calendar for May 30. Too many of us couldn't make it then.

Please check to be sure you have ADDED video staff meetings on July 12, October 25, and December 13 to your calendar. All meetings are from 8:30 - 10:30 central and 9:30 to 11:30 eastern. Thanks.
426.gif Anniversaries - MTAS passed two milestones Wednesday. Lisa Shipley has been taking care of our computer systems for one year. And Armintha Loveday has been taking care of all of us for eighteen years!

Notes News - We have made some changes in the way we are going to offer connections to our Notes databases to cities. We will provide Internet access to cities. The state of Tennessee will complete a project in September, 1996 to provide Internet access with a local phone call in all counties in the state. We think it will be cheaper and quicker for cities to use the Internet locally than to pay for a long distance call to a modem in Knoxville. It's also mechanically easier for us to work with Internet access because that will come to us over the UT network that we use to connect all our offices.

The other thing that makes this possible is that the Notes software has a program coming out in June, 1996 that will allow almost full Notes functionality over the Internet. Our goal is to start testing this with cities in September, 1996.

Travel Database - Thanks for your cooperation in making the travel database work. It's going very smoothly.

EdNet computer training - Please send me an E-mail after the staff video meeting to let me know if you think the use of the EdNet for computer training works.

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