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03/24/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· Not everything that is important can be measured and not everything that can be measured is important . – Albert Einstein

· Well, Rick and Lisa and Dale and I delivered MTAS’s FY2017 proposed budget to Dr. Byrd yesterday afternoon. At last check, all participants in the meeting left with body parts intact, so life’s good. Seriously, the meeting went well, was fairly short compared to previous years and, in my opinion, was productive…and, yes, included in the budget is a proposed bucket of money for salary adjustments. Is it a big bucket? Well, no…but it’s a bucket and between now and when the General Assembly acts on Governor Haslam’s budget…well, we’ll just have to wait and see what the actual size of the bucket turns out to be. Stand by and I’ll do my best to keep us posted.

· The Walgreen’s at the corner of Caldwell Drive and Long Hollow Pike in Goodlettsville has some real deals on Easter egg dye right now.

· About that IPS Conference…yes, it will be in Chattanooga on September 24 th through 26 th . As I understand it, the conference itself will kick off at 3:00 p.m. on the 24 th and go through Noon on the 26 th . I would like all of us to gather at Noon on the 24 th for a short MTAS get-together. We’ll make lunch available for our meeting. So, help Dennis out with getting your lodging needs back to him no later than April 5 th .

· Last month, I mentioned that a process would begin soon to develop an IPS institute-wide strategic plan and that I would be asking some MTASers to join me in representing MTAS on a team Herb is forming to write that plan. Chris and Lisa and Rick and I will have our first meeting with Herb and the reps from the other IPS agencies on April 25 th and 26 th to begin that process. Work will be fast and furious since a goal of completing the plan is late September, so buckle your seatbelts because the four of us won’t be going it alone in this venture. My plan is that we’ll be making opportunities for everybody in MTAS to know about the work and give us your thoughts. Our advisory board will participate and some of our customers also. The end product…a practical workable easily understood plan that will map the path of Institute for years to come and you’ll have to help us produce it. Stay tuned.

· Lady Vols! Sweet Sixteen! What can be?

· Dennis, thanks for reminding us yesterday that being smart and careful go a long way in keeping us safe. The information you shared with us that you sent to the fire service in Tennessee at least made me slow down a minute and think. Watching out for myself and the folks around me is a responsibility I better take seriously.

· Jelly beans or Peeps? No decision there! Give me the jelly beans. There ought to be a law against Peeps.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o March 27, 1978 and March 27, 1995…those are the respective dates Armintha and Lisa went to work for MTAS. Thanks to both of you for what you do for all of us.
o No birthdays next week (well, I’m sure somebody has a birthday next week. Just not in MTAS).
o The minimum depth of a golf hole is four inches.

· An extra day to enjoy a comfortable weekend…my wish for us all. And don’t forget to hide the eggs.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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