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03/18/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Baker Center - Some time ago, the U.S. Congress funded the Baker Center at UT. The original concept for the center has gone through several permutations since it's funding. Here is a press release with the clearest explanation so far. Some of what the Baker Center will do may have an impact on what we do, but we'll have to wait to see how it's staffed.
Baker Center.pdf
Baker Center.pdf

E2A.gif www.mtas.utk - If you haven't visited www.mtas.utk lately, you ought to. Frances keeps adding to and improving our web site. Some of the new items are the BMP Toolkit, the Ideas that Work for Cities, the current news on "What's New", the prominent positioning of Hot Topics, and Dennis' court briefs. For all of this Frances gets the gold medal!

Budget Workshops - We are in the middle of the budget workshops being taught as part of City University. Mike and Ralph taught in Cookeville and Collegedale last week. Margaret and Ralph are teaching in Smyrna this week, then later this week Mike and Ralph are teaching in Knoxville and Johnson City. Next week Ralph and Margaret are in Bartlett and Jackson. And, attendance is so high, they are doing a special class for the City of Bartlett. Overall registration is about 225 to 250.

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