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03/17/2017 Executive News

Executive News

· Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don’t want to press your luck . Unknown. (I know. Pretty weak, huh? Happy St. Patrick’s Day anyway.)

· Project Reporting – As we continue working towards a more effective (and more simply used) project reporting system, an issue to consider is how far back do we reach and save data entered into the currently-used system that will need to be kept (and converted) in the improved system? I think the answer can be determined by asking ourselves, “ How likely is it that I would face a situation in the future where it becomes absolutely necessary that I have access to data more than “X” years old?” By the way, the oldest data stored now has a 1991 date on it. So, I want you to have an opportunity to tell us how far back you think we should save data in project reporting. Right now, the plan is to do a 5-year capture and include the current year . Give my question some thought and, if you have an opinion, tell me what it is no later than Friday, March 24th .

· Here’s some amazing stuff, folks. March 17, 1986. Thirty-one years ago today! Richard Stokes became a MTASer. Wow! Thirty-one years! Thanks, Richard, for all that you’ve done for all of us and all of our customers.

· HB1180/SB1325 and HB1181/SB1326 – the two bills intended to sunset MTAS and CTAS in 2019…In the Senate, they both have been “Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Government Operations Committee”. We’ve been hearing that was a good thing and it was confirmed to me yesterday in a phone conversation with the Jason Mumpower, Comptroller Chief of Staff. There will be no further consideration of the bills, at least in this year’s session. Jason went on to say that MTAS and CTAS may get some review when UT’s audit is routinely performed and I told Jason that either of us would welcome the opportunity to tell our stories because they would be good stories. I appreciate everyone’s interest in this issue. It’s a very important one and it points out that lots and lots of folks watch what we do every day. Shame on us if we let them get a bad impression.

· Frances will be 39 next week…on Thursday, March 23 rd ! Happy birthday, Frances. Many more!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
o Bobby Jones, the first great American golfer, was born on today’s date in 1906. That would make him older than 39. Happy birthday, Mr. Jones!

· A comfortable weekend for all!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director

(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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