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03/17/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

As it has done every other year for many years, MTAS will soon participate in the IPS-wide biannual customer satisfaction survey. The MTAS portion of the survey will be mailed to 1,400+ e-mail addresses belonging to customers with whom we’ve made contact over the past two years. The survey is scheduled to be distributed Thursday, March 26 th under a cover message from me. The response period will be open for four weeks and reminder e-mails will be sent out a couple times during that period to folks who have not yet responded. A “heads-up” e-mail from me will be sent to the address list this coming Monday, March 23 rd to let folks know to expect the survey later in the week.

I’ve attached a copy of the survey draft for you to see. Please keep in mind this is a draft and while I don’t expect any substantive changes before it’s finalized, there very well could be some small changes.

I wanted you to be aware of this since I remember two years ago getting comments from some of you that you were getting questions about the survey from customers. I didn’t want you to be surprised by their questions or comments if you got any this time.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

2015 IPSMTAS CSS Draft.pdf
2015 IPSMTAS CSS Draft.pdf

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