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03/16/2018 Executive News

Executive News

Hi everyone,

I hope your Tuesday is terrific so far. Please save the dates of June 25 – 27 for a MTAS retreat in middle Tennessee. If you already have a scheduling conflict that you cannot work around, please let your supervisor know (who will then let me know).

There is a representative committee that has agreed to plan this event and I have confidence that they will put on a tremendous session for us. The committee members are Paige, Michelle T., Gary, Armintha, Rex, and Frances. While I recognize that there is no one from west TN on the team, the committee does include satellite office employees who will make sure that the retreat isn’t Knoxville-centric.

I have given the committee chair, Frances, an outline of topics that I derived from my listening sessions with each of you. Therefore, my intention is that you’ll learn something that you are interested in, and will enjoy yourself in the process. I am looking forward to this, and I hope now you will too.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

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