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03/14/2011 Executive News

Executive News

This week’s Update is attached, and deals with a number of timely issues:

o Basic Economic Development Courses
o Changes in Association Support
o Quarterly Staff Meetings
o Bingham Endowment – SUCCESS!
o Brownbag Luncheon
o Newsletter Deadline is March 16, 2011
o Overdue Library Materials Housekeeping
o MPA Intern Projects
o Library Student Research Projects
o LGLP Alumni Events
o Training Partner Update
o Community Growth Academy
o EOA Grants
o CMFO Update

Please call if you have questions or need to discuss these or other topics.


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee
120 Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4105
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

MTAS Update - March 11 2011.pdf
MTAS Update - March 11 2011.pdf

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