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03/14/2010 Executive News

Executive News


All requests for professional development have been addressed. Please check your requests for their status of approved or not approved. The Management Team and I did our best to honor your requests being mindful of the return for you and for the agency, balanced against your total number of professional development time and the overall costs.

Although your respective request(s) may have been approved, be mindful of the associated costs i.e. try to acquire the best hotel rates etc., regardless of conference hotel rates and also be aware that we are far from being out of the woods with the economic situation. For example, state shared sales tax is continuing to decline, not at the earlier high rate, but still going down. Therefore, what may have been approved in February or March, may not be fundable in November. Just a word of caution.

Thanks for your efforts to stay current with the ever changing world of your profession.


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