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03/12/2000 Executive News

Executive News

NO staff meetings in April - As we discussed in the March staff meetings, I'm cancelling the staff meetings for April. That is: Nashville, April 11; Jackson, April 12; and Knoxville, April 13. Some of the meeting times conflict with TCMA and we will have MTAS retreat two weeks later May 3 - 5.

Project Reporting - If you missed the March staff meeting, you may want to join the discussion database about project reporting . The discussions during our March meetings and follow-ups are contained there.

News from NLC - Saturday, March 11 through Tuesday, March 14, I attended the NLC Congressional Cities Conference which is held each March in Washington. The advantage is we hear from various Administration officials about federal policy. This year was exceptional in that we were addressed by President Clinton along with four members of his cabinet - Attorney General Reno, Commerce Secretary Daley, HUD Secretary Cuomo, and Energy Secretary Richardson.

Say what you will about President Clinton (and many people have) he knows how to work an audience and he knows the programs that benefit cities. He talked about empowerment zones, opening 1,000 community computer centers and the fact that the crime rate is the lowest in 25 years. He also let us know he was missing the SEC championship game with Arkansas to speak to us. He spent the last 15 minutes after he had finished his prepared remarks just talking about various programs that benefit cities. He had a very appreciative audience.

Janet Reno was three hours off a plane from Chile where she had represented the U.S. at an inauguration. She also talked about the reduction of crime and the 100,000 new police officers on the street as a result of the administration's program. One problem she wants to address in the future is helping the 585,000 people who will be getting out of prison this year get back into productive society.

William Daley noted that at 3 1/2 years, he is the longest serving Secretary of Commerce this century. He reminded us that Census 2000 is in full gear. He previewed several TV commercials that the Census Bureau will use this month. He reminded us that the percentage of replies they get to the census has been going down for the last several times. The Census Bureau estimates that only 61% of the census forms will be returned. Each 1% reduction in returns is another 1,000,000 interviews they have to do face-to-face.

NLC in Nashville - The annual NLC convention held each December is coming to Nashville December 9 - 13, 2003. Mark your calendar!

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