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03/11/2011 Executive News

Executive News

Baseball in Sevierville. Dale Wolfe and others have circulated an invitation to an afternoon baseball game on Thursday, June 16, starting at noon, and while we do have a quarterly staff meeting scheduled for that morning my initial plans are to keep the meeting brief in case there is interest. Margaret is working on the possibility of box seats, and Dale will otherwise buy box-seat vouchers for about $8.50 each. Call me if you are concerned about the use of leave time, as we probably will incorporate some work into this as well, but if you have an interest I know that Dale and Margaret need to know asap.


Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
University of Tennessee
120 Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4105
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

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