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03/10/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Web Site - Our web site keeps growing. Recently Frances added:
  • Link to Fire Grant workshops (from Ray Crouch)
  • Link to Directory in PDF format
  • Link to TMBP 2002 Annual report
  • Links to “Finding Money” publication by Sharon Rollins; State Street Aid (Tech. Bulletin) by Ron Darden; State Tax rate on Utility sales (Hot Topic) by Al Major; Required Group Health care (Tech. Bulletin) by Don Darden; Public Health, security & bioterrorism (Hot Topic) by Steve Wyatt
  • NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent documents

    The missing cookies - Here's an email from Don Darden:
    We get some unusual projects on occasion. This morning I was asked to advise the police chief of Smithville on a case in which a child sold Scout cookies, and the Father took the sales proceeds and refused to turn the money over to the Scouts. The police chief wanted to know what to charge him with--and I discussed this with Rex Barton who advised that it was "theft of property." I will always remember this as the "Case of the Girl Scout Cookies."
    - Don J. Darden, Municipal Management Consultant

    Survey via email - The library staff recently completed a survey for Pat for Johnson City asking for information on 22 positions from 10 Tennessee cities. It's one of the first conducted almost entirely through e-mail.

    Elected Officials Academy, Level II - The first Level II session of the Elected Officials Academy was held Friday and Saturday in Knoxville. Thanks to Rex, Ray, Rick, and Sharon for teaching and a special bouquet to Sally and Jennifer for coordinating, facilitating, arranging, and catering.


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